My self

                                      My self


          My nane is Tanachon Petnin. My nickname's kang. I was born on mondag 16 th of oct. 2000. I am eighteen gears old,lhave no brothens or sisters. And l am singlo. My family lives in a small village. Tnom quite a small family.
          There are three in mgfamilg. Mg motner name is wachee petnarin. I love with mom. Becase mom and dad separated when l was 2. Aften that, my mom had a new fatrer, so l stag alone, bat it was not my speeialiy.
           I'm agood man with mercg. I do not like familg. I like fo cook food. I speak a little chinese. Ilike to sing. My dream to work abroad. My motto: that's aherc the success comes.

