
1. I’m sorry l’m late, Mr.Green. My alarm clock didn’t………
1. turn up
2. come in
3. get on
4. go off
2. Once we’ve had lunch we can go…….with our meeting.
1. away
2. out
3. by
4. on
3. If you feel hot, you may take……..your coat.
1. on
2. away
3. off
4. out
4. If your dress is too tight madam, we can let it……
1. down
2. off
3. in
4. out
5. Our school team lost the football match because our best player was sent ……the field.
1. out
2. off
3. away
4. aside
6. He nearly went mad…..pain.
1. of
2. by
3. with
4. for
7. Paul was ill so his father sent…….the doctor.
1. for
2. away
3. about
4. with
8. Think…..it hard before you make up your mind.
1. about
2. no word
3. over
4. towards
9. Bad news like that only gets him…..
1. off
2. in
3. to
4. down
10. They quarreled…..the choice of house.
1. on
2. over
3. for
4. to
11. I feel dizzy but I expect the feeling will …..in a minute.
1. pass off
2. pass on
3. pass by
4. pass from
12. It took him a long time to…..his illness.
1. get over
2. get off
3. get away
4. get on
13. He promised to….at the comer of the road on his way to town.
1. pick on
2. pick over
3. pick off
4. pick up
14. ………..schools should begin at 8 o’clock.
1. In my opinion
2. To my opinion
3. According to my opinion
4. By my opinion
15. An uncle of mine…..at Paolo Hospital last week.
1. passed up
2. passed on
3. passed out
4. passed away
16. When the fire broke out the workers…..the factory.
1. ran out of
2. ran out
3. ran away
4. ran in
17. Please……the light when you leave the room.
1. switch off
2. switch at
3. switch away
4. switch in
18. My mother was so angry that she did not even…..me.
1. look to
2. look at
3. look into
4. look in
19. As my feet were cold, I……my stockings.
1. put over
2. put in
3. put on
4. put off
20. We got to the field just…..to see the eat of the game.
1. eat time
2. in time
3. by time
4. for time
21. The careless lady dropped her shopping bag…..the floor.
1. over
2. in
3. at
4. on
22. Some girls guides have………to climb Doi Suthep.
1. set in
2. set out
3. set on
4. set up
23. I never…….my old books.
1. throw off
2. throw at
3. throw outside
4. throw away
24. The inter-school hockey match was…..because of the rain.
1. called out
2. called of
3. called off
4. called away
“Aren’t you going to……this plate?” the teacher asked angrily.
1. clean off
2. clean up
3. clean down
4. clean at
26. The scouts……the fire before going to their tents to sleep.
1. put of
2. put after
3. put off
4. put out
27. The thief……with the lady’s hand bag.
1. ran to
2. ran after
3. ran out of
4. ran away
28. Would you like to……this new skirt ?
1. try off
2. try in
3. try on
4. try over
29. I do not…..ghosts.
1. believe in
2. believe on
3. believe at
4. believe for
30. The mine workers are………an increase in wages.
1. asking to
2. asking with
3. asking for
4. asking up
Direction: Read the following passage to complete the blanks by choosing the words from a, b, c, or d.

                Forestry Department officials have asked the police to __31__ over 13,000 illegal logs in 
 Ban Tak district and take legal action against the owner of the timber and other __32__ officials.
                Forestry Department chief Sathit Sawinthorn made the request after members of the
 House Local Administration Committee requested __33__ into the case and experts from 
 the Agriculture Ministry found most of the logs were __34__ felled.

            According to the complaint, Kamol Kaewket was authorized by Sahawanakij Company 
 last December to have the __35__ delivered from Mae Sariang district of Mae Hong Son to Ban
 Tak district under some Mae Sariang forestry officials’ __36__ which were believed to be fake.

            Those involved face charges of having logs in their possession without permission and
 using __37__ log delivery permits. The officials face a malfeasance __38__ .

            After the bribery scandal of deputy Forestry Department chief Prawat Thanadkha had 
 been linked to massive illegal logging in the park and __39__, The department was accused of 
 being involved in the __40__ operation.

31.       a.  nationalize                          b.  seize
            c.  release                                 d.  provide

32.       a.  honest                                 b.  arrogant
            c.  involved                              d.  declined

33.       a.  investigations                      b.  interview
            c.  compensation                      d.  jargon 

34.       a.  smartly                                b.  foolishly
            c.  fast                                      d.  illegally 

35.       a.  company                             b.  logs
            c.  officials                               d.  forest  

36.       a.  permits                                b.  resentment
            c.  ignorance                            d.  attention 

37.       a.  approved                             b.  authentic
            c.  fake                                     d.  important 

38.       a.  sentence                              b.  charge 
            c.  admiration                           d.  opportunity 

39.       a.  inhibition                            b.  sanctuary 
            c.  unsafe place                        d.  mansion 

40.       a.  immaculate                         b.  legal 
            c.  illicit                                    d.  delicate  

 Cloze II

Direction: Read the following passage to complete the blanks by choosing the words from a, b, c, or d.

            Lack of oxygen has been blamed for the mass death of fish in a canal outside Wat Lan
 Boon temple in Lat Krabang distric last week.

        Tests by the Fishery Department __41__ they did not die of poisoning as initially suspected,
 but because of __42__ oxygen level in the canal water making __43__ and feeding difficult.

        In all more the 100,000 dead fish were __44__ from the canal last Monday __45__ 
 environmental  concerns and fear among nearby residents who felt water in the canal was 
 highly __46__, laden with toxins and chemicals.

        He said fish from the canal, even those caught near the temple, were __47__ for human
 __48__, explaining that the level of pesticides found in the dead fish was very low, too__49__ 
 to cause any lasting harm, though it could pose problems if allowed to __50__ in the body over 
 a long period of time.

41.       a.  hesitated                              b.  revealed
            c.  pretended                            d.  deceived

42.       a.  hidden                                 b.  abundant
            c.  depleted                              d.  existing 

43.       a.  respiration                           b.  antibody
            c.  circulation                           d.  vision 

44.       a.  slaughtered                         b.  removed
            c.  prayed                                 d.  caught  

45.       a.  restoring                              b.  frightening
            c.  relieving                              d.  sparking

46.       a.  merged                                b.  recommended
            c.  accessed                              d.  contaminated

47.       a.  fit                                        b.  dangerous
            c.  tasteful                                d.  prohibited 

48.       a.  reprimand                           b.  consumption
            c.  occupation                          d.  digestion           

49.       a.  insignificant                        b.  important
            c.  certain                                 d.  naïve 

50.       a. befit                                      b.  obstruct
            c.  accumulate                          d.  suck

Part III : Reading Comprehension

Direction: Read the following passage to answer the questions by choosing from a, b, c, d.

Passage I

            A vaccine against E. coli, the deadly food poisoning bacteria that forced the recall last year of millions of kilograms of US beef, has been tested successfully on a small group of volunteers, researchers said on Monday.

            Scientists at the US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, North Carolina, report that a preliminary study using 87 volunteers showed that the vaccine causes an immune reaction that could protect against infection by E. coli 01570. “This is still very early in the research,” said Dr. Dwayne Alexander, director of the institute on child health and human and human development, one of the US national Institutes of Health. “This is the first human study of this proposed vaccine.”

            He said the important finding is that the vaccine produced a level on antibody in the volunteers that could kill E. coli 0157 in the test tube. “We don’t know yet if it will kill the bacteria in the body,” he said.

            Dr. Alexander said the next step is tests to determine if the vaccine will prevent E. coli infection in cattle, which are thought to be the most common source of the infection.

            E. coli 0157 is a deadly, new strain of bacteria that can contaminate beef, fruit juice and other food, causing severe food poisoning symptoms, including bloody diarrhea and damaged kidneys. People can also become infected by swimming in lakes or rivers contaminated with the organism.

            E. coli is formally known as Escherichia coli, named for Theodor Escherich, a German bacteriologist who first isolated it 111 years ago. A benign form of the organism lives in the human gut where it is essential for digestion.

            Researchers believe that some genes of a dangerous virus, called shigella, were transferred into E. coli during a shigella epidemic in Central America in the 1970s. This transformed one strain of a usually harmless germ into a pathogen that does not respond well to antibiotics and can cause severe food poisoning.

51.  This story is mainly about

a.  the discovery of what causes a new and deadly illness.
b.  the creation of a successful vaccine which protects people against a dangerous infection.
c.  an important step in the creation of a successful vaccine which might some day protect people against a dangerous infection.
d.  an explanation of how vaccines are made and tested.

52.  In paragraph two, why did the writer call the research “a preliminary study”?

a.  because it was successful
b.  because it used volunteers 
c.  because it has been going on for a very long time
d.  because there is still much more research to be done

53.  In what way was the vaccine considered a success?

a.  It protected the volunteers against an infection from E. coli.
b.  It was able to kill E. coli bacteria without harming the volunteers.
c.  It enabled the volunteers to produce effective antibodies against E. coli. 
d.  It stopped the volunteers from suffering the effects of an E. coli infection.

54.  Researcher suspect that E. coli 0157 was the result of

a.  a bacteria changing itself into a virus
b.  a bacteria getting some genetic material from a virus 
c.  a virus which became a bacteria.
d.  a person eating a piece of infected meat

55.  It is clear from the story that something which contaminates something else

a.  does not have any effect on it at all
b.  is most likely to benefit it in some way 
c.  helps protect it form a dangerous infection
d.  makes it impure or unclean in some way

56.  Which one of these is a pathogen (see paragraph 7)?

a.  an antibiotic                    
b.  an antibody
c.  a fruit juice
d.  a flu virus

Passage II

            One of the most successful commercial products ever launched is said to have come about as the result of a mistake. In 1896, Jacob’s Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia, was selling a nerve tonic known as ‘French Wine Cola-Ideal Nerve Tonic’. By accidentally adding fizzy water instead of still water to the recipe, a pharmacist called John S. Pemberton invented what has today become the most popular soft drink in the world: Coca-Cola. Along with its closest rival-Pepsi which appeared on the market three years later, Coke has enjoyed phenomenal success worldwide, particularly in the past fifty years. Indeed, old Coke bottles and ‘limited edition’ cans can often fetch considerable sums form collectors, and there are even stores which deal exclusively in Coke products and memorabilia.

            What could possibly account for the amazing success of Coca-Cola? How has this combination of carbonated water, sugar, acid and flavorings come to symbolize the American way of life for most of the world? After all, even the manufacturers could hardly describe Coke as a healthy product since it contains relatively high amounts of sugar (admittedly) not the case with Diet Coke which contains artificial sweeteners instead of sugar) and phosphoric acid, both of which are known to damage teeth.

            One explanation may be found in the name. The original recipe included a flavoring from the coca plant and probably included small amounts of cocaine (an addictive substance), but since the early part of this century all traces of cocaine have been removed. However, Coke (like all cola drinks) also includes a flavoring from the cola tree; cola extract contains caffeine, which is a stimulant, and  the Coca-Cola company adds extra caffeine for good measure. While caffeine is not thought to be an addictive substance in itself, there is considerable evidence that over a period of time the consumption of caffeine has to be increased in order for its stimulating effect to be maintained, and so sales of Coke perhaps benefit as a result.

57.  In paragraph 1, the writer points out that

a.  Coke is so popular that some shops sell noting else
b.  only certain people are allowed to enter the most popular Coke stores 
c.  some stores can successfully sell Coke at higher prices
d.  Coke is so popular that some shops only sell goods with the Coke label

58.  The writer uses ‘for good measure’ in paragraph 3 to emphasize the fact that

a.  there is a lot of caffeine in Coke
b.  the amount of caffeine in Coke is carefully measured
c.  the extra caffeine improves the taste of Coke
d.  the extra caffeine balances the amount found naturally in the cola extract

59.  ‘Coke has enjoyed phenomenal success’ paragraph 1 suggests the writer

a.  thinks that the success of Coke is very strange 
b.  believes that the success of Coke is very strange
c.  rater disapproves of the success of Coke
d.  considers the success of Coke to be undeserved

60.  ‘both of which’ in paragraph 2 refer to:

a.  phosphoric and acid
b.  sugar and artificial sweetener
c.  sugar and phosphoric acid
d.  artificial sweetener and phosphoric acid
61. I wish you ______ checking my e-mails. You're invading my privacy.
1. stop
2. will stop
3. would stop
4. have stopped
5. are going to stop

62. I don't dislike the building. Now as _____ the neighborhood, I do have concerns.
1. in
2. on
3. about
4. well
5. regards

63. She always gets away with _______ . The boss loves her.
1. late
2. too late
3. to be late
4. she's late
5. being late

64. She doesn't reveal much about herself, and is _____ fascinating for it.
1. as
2. in
3. the same
4. all the more
5. the more

65. I had to admit _____ completely forgotten our wedding anniversary.
1. have
2. I have
3. to having
4. to have
5. for having

66. Having such a famous man for a father ____ had an effect on Jason's childhood.
1. must
2. have to
3. should
4. must have
5. could be

67. When I asked him ______ the keys , Bob said he had no idea where they were.
1. if did he see
2. if he had seen
3. could he see
4. that he had seen
5. which he had seen

68. My sister ____ bought a laptop for her birthday last year.
1. were
2. was
3. has
4. had
5. been

69. The ____ I want to live my life is nobody else's business.
1. which
2. where
3. reason
4. way
5. how

70. You ought to ____ your car repaired.
1. take
2. get
3. make
4. do
5. bring

Directions: Choose the best answer to complete the passages.

Cloze Passage 1
Those who own pets will assure you that animals think and feel. Just say the word “_____71_____” and you will see a dog race away joyfully to the door. Still most people believe that the average animal is not so_____72______ as a human. Although they ____73____that the creatures which are____74______ Homo sapiens, like chimpanzees, are smart, they think those further removed, such as worms and lobsters, are_____75_____ .

71.     1. roll
          2. run
          3. stay
          4. come   

72.    1. happy
         2. dumb
         3. active
         4. brainy
         5. friendly

73.    1. admit
         2. submit
         3. omit
         4. transmit
         5. commit

74.    1. superior to
         2. inferior to
         3. closest to
         4. different to
         5. next to

75.    1. astute
         2. smart
         3. average
         4. exceptional
         5. cunning

Cloze Passage 2
First there was ice. Then there was the refrigerator. Then the freezer which is fine for ___76_____things a long time was developed, but it destroys the flavor of food. An amazing new technique for_____77______the freshness and natural flavor of meats and fish has been discovered after thousands of years of man’s first attempts to keep_____78____fresh by lowering temperature. This is amazing because this revolutionary technique keeps food ____79____ twice as long.
This method of ___80____ came about in a fascinating experiment that scientists in Japan _____81____ with a crab. Under laboratory conditions, they put a live crab in a compartment at a _____82_____just below the freezing point. Five months later, they returned the crab to normal temperatures and it ____83____ from its sleep.
Later, they put a rose into a two-month-long sleep by chilling it and the flower emerged as ____84____ and fresh as if it were just picked.
Both of these ____85_____ proved that the special temperature just below the freezing point could keep organic matter fresh without destroying it.

78.   1. flavors
        2. foods
        3. nutrients
        4. objects
        5. minerals

79.   1. cool
        2. natural
        3. new
        4. fresh
        5. old

80.   1. chilling
        2. preparing
 3. heating
        4. defrosting
        5. packing

81.   1. supported
        2. recommended
        3. described
        4. performed
        5. promoted

82.   1. weather
        2. condition
        3. temperature
        4. circumstance
        5. climate

83.   1. froze
        2. awoke
        3. fell
        4. died
        5. kept

84.   1. artificial
        2. dried
        3. exotic
        4. beautiful
        5. natural

85.   1. alternatives
        2. experiments
        3. preservers
        4. freezers
        5. assignments

86.   1. productive
        2. native
        3. extensive
        4. effective
        5. decorative

87.   1. materials
        2. sources
        3. details
        4. structures
        5. methods

Cloze Passage 3
Artificial flowers are used for scientific as well as for _____86______ purposes. They are made from a variety of _____87____, such as wax and glass, so skillfully that they can scarcely be distinguished from _____88_____ flowers. In making such models, painstaking skill and artistry are called for, as well as thorough knowledge of plant structure. The ______89_____ of glass flowers in the Botanical Museum of Harvard University is the most _____90____ in North America and is widely known throughout the scientific world. In all, there are several thousand models in colored glass, the work of two artist-naturalists, Leopold Blaschka and his son Rudolph.

88.  1. scientific
       2. artificial
       3. natural
       4. endangered
       5. extinct

89.  1. caption
       2. function
       3. production
       4. collection
       5. communication

90.  1. active
       2. dangerous
       3. beautiful
       4. touchable
       5. famous

91.  1. chatting
       2. acting
       3. listening
       4. drawing
       5. doing

92.  1. blood
       2. brain
       3. heart
       4. kidney
       5. organ

Cloze Passage 4
Just a few minutes’____91____ on a mobile phone reduces the ____92___ functions of children for almost an hour, according to new Spanish test results quoted in Norwegian media.
The tests,_____93_____ by the German investigator Michael Klieeisen at the Spanish Neuro Diagnostic Research Institute in Marbella, are the first to show how children’s brains ____94_____ to the use of mobile phones. With the help of a scanner, Klieeisen was able to ____95_____ pictures of how the brain of an 11-year-old boy and a 13-year-old girl reacted while they used a mobile phone. The results were_____96_____ with similar tests using adult subjects.
The tests showed that the brain activity of the child subjects was reduced ___97____, especially on the side where the mobile phone was held, a few minutes after the call was begun, the report said. Also, brain activity was lower than normal in large sections of the brain for 50 minutes after the end of the call, the test results showed.
“My advice to all parents is not to ______98____ children to use mobile phones,’’ Klieeisen was quoted by Aftenposten as saying. “Not only are electrical activities affected, but also ______99____ processes. We do not know if it is dangerous, but we do know that children’s brains, which are not fully ___100___, are more vulnerable,” the researcher added.
Researchers in Britain confirm the Spanish results, and Norwegian and Swedish experts are also studying the health risk posed by mobile phones.

93.  1. developed
       2. organized
       3. conducted
       4. produced
       5. experienced

94.  1. redo
       2. rewrite
       3. recall
       4. react
       5. replay

95.  1. do
       2. specify
       3. answer
       4. imagine
       5. create

96.  1. done
       2. differed
       3. tested
       4. compared
       5. collected

97.  1. clearly
       2. differently
       3. similarly
       4. correctly
       5. significantly

98.  1. allow
       2. admit
       3. share
       4. take
       5. follow

99.  1. metabolical
       2. hydrochemical
       3. physiochemical
       4. biochemical
       5. polymerical

100. 1. created
        2. conducted
        3. developed
        4. organized
        5. produced

